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South Australia News

Writer's picture: Tim KirkmanTim Kirkman

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Adam Kimber SC to be District Court Judge

Adam Kimber SC who was previously the State DPP has been appointed as a District Court Judge. There is no news about this on the government pages yet just a mention in an Adealide paper.


COVID restrictions - 10 person limit

From 12:01 am Wednesday 5 August the number of people allowed in your home has been reduced from 50 to 10. This is a link to the South Australian Health information on current limits.


COVID-19 Medi-Hotel

A medi-hotel and control centre will be set up in South Australia's South East in the coming weeks. Elaine Pretorius, the executive director of medical services at the Limestone Coast Local Health Network, said her team met with South Australia's Chief Public Health Officer Nicole Spurrier this week to start preparations and search for a suitable location. You can read that news story here.


Wearing a mask in SA

It is mandatory in Victoria, it is recommended in NSW, but it is still optional in South Australia.

If you want to buy a face mask they can be hard to find, you could buy local and have a look at this list of South Australian sellers.


Do algorithms need legislation?

Dubbed as the "first in the world", the Algorithm Charter for Aotearoa New Zealand, according to Minister for Statistics James Shaw, will improve data transparency and accountability, especially when algorithms are being used to process and interpret large amounts of data.

"Using algorithms to analyse data and inform decisions does not come without its risks," he said. The charter has so far been signed by 21 agencies, including The Ministry of Justice.


Have you heard about our webinar next week? It is a free webinar on superannuation and family law covering basic issues, like what do do with those questions in the Application for Consent Orders, contemporary issues like COVID superannuation withdrawals, and ongoing difficulties like whether to take pre-relationship superannuation balances back out of the funds available for distribution.

You can register for the webinar using the form below. If you are not available next Monday but you would like to receive a free video recording of the webinar then you can register for that here.

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