Professor Patrick Parkinson AM has recently finalised an article that will be published shortly in Ex Curia, the journal of the Family Law Practitioners' Association of Western Australia.
It reviews a number of new technologies that could help family law practitioners to reduce the time spent in preparing a case for the purposes of negotiation, mediation or litigation. Adoption of such technologies could thereby reduce legal costs for clients.
The article also reviews a new government-funded program, developed under the leadership of the Legal Services Commission of South Australia, to assist people to resolve property disputes using artificial intelligence, without involving lawyers (which is known as Amica).
You can download a copy of the article to read by clicking here.
Are you interested in receiving a copy of Professor Parkinson's previous webinar, run jointly with us at FamilyProperty, on the client intake process? Join our mailing list using the form below and you will automatically receive a copy of the video of the webinar and his paper.
This also includes a paper from him on the unpredictability of Family Court financial decisions, which was relevant to how you should do an initial client interview (and whether you should give advice on a percentage split).