We have three events coming up at FamilyProperty in this next month or so. Scroll down to find out more about the following Webinars -
Smokeball and FamilyProperty together at last - Wednesday 24 June 12:30pm
Women in Legal Tech - Tuesday 30 June 2pm GMT, 11pm AEST
Valuing your time as a family lawyer - Tuesday 28 July 12:30pm
Firstly, after many months of hard work by our IT department (also known as Tim Kirkman) and the hard work of the tech team at Smokeball our product is now integrated with Smokeball. If you want to know more about how Smokeball and FamilyProperty work together then you can read about it on our website here or you can sign up here for this free Webinar on Wednesday 24 June 2020 at 12:30pm.
Join our Legal Founder, Fiona Kirkman, on Tuesday 30 June at 2pm GMT (11pm AEST). Fiona will be part of a panel discussing the opportunities and the challenges facing the women in the LegalTech industry. They will send you a recording of the webinar if you sign up, you don't have to watch it live.
You can sign up by clicking here, Fiona is part of Webinar 2 which is the Women in Legal Tech discussion panel.
Your time is valuable and you should be recording it. I know that you are probably saying "I do record my time", well let me ask you how many hours you work a week? How many hours do you pay your staff to work per week? Now how many hours are you all recording?
Join us on Tuesday 28 July at 12:30pm as we discuss the value of your time, why you should record it, how you should record it, and what you shoudl do with that data once you have it. We will also talk to you about some legal tech that makes it easier for you to record it. You can register for the webinar by clicking here.

Do you want to recieve weekly updates about family law, legal tech that can help you in your business, or information to assist with remote and flexible work?
Join our mailing list by clicking here. As a thank you for joining you will also receive a recording of Professor Patrick Parkinson's Webinar on client intake and an email about our bank statement analyser, which you can trial for free.
Our customers and their clients love our product, but dont' just take our word for it.
You can visit us on Instagram and see what is happening, and also see some client feedback.
You can also head over to our testimonials page and read more about what our clients say about us.