If you shell out for a paid Canva account then as well as getting access to more graphics, templates and photos, you also get access to this ability to reside a project. This saves so much time and makes sharing information across your different socials so much easier.
Here is a set of instructions that I just prepared for a feature in our product. I would like to do some social media posts and a client newsletter mention.
To go back and open the project from the Canva front page, I go to "All your designs" which you will find in the menu to the left.

Your recent designs will also be at the bottom of the page under "Your designs" so it may be that you can simply go here and click to open.
Now that you are in the project that you want to resize, you can go to the Resize button near the top left of your screen.

When you click on the button you get this drop down menu.

I am going to resize here to Instagram Post, which really just means a square shape. Please note Instagram Story is very different, that is the tall rectangle.
I also find that the square shape is preferable for Facebook if you are going to post more than one photo. Click on Instagram Post and then Copy & resize.

It will automatically open up another browser tab. Now what Canva doesn't do is attempt to change the content at all, it merely changes the size of the project or document. You will need to change the size of the content. The names of the documents also become quite laboured, if you make a couple of different sizes you can end up with 'copy of copy of ...' so do yourself a favour and rename it.

I made everythiung bigger, which means that the whole slide doesn't fit in the screen but as this is a social media post, not a set of instructions, that is fine.
Now I need to make the same changes to all the slides. This is still much quicker than starting to put the project together again but in a different size, however if you are using the free option then you can do that as you have already uploaded the photos which is the most time consuming part.

Now you have this square version of your project.
Which is a different look to the original project.

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