Once you have added your staff or team as Admins, Users or Viewers to your account, the next step to consider is who should have access to matters. Anyone that creates a matter is the owner & admin for the matter, however access for other staff members can be given manually or automatically through the account settings. I've outlined the instructions for both options below:
A. Manually adding a User to your matter
1. From your matter listing, click on the '...' icon to the right of the required matter and select 'Set-up'
2. Scroll down to User Access and click on 'Add' under the heading 'Account Users'
3. Select the person from your firm/practise that you wish to provide access and choose the access level. Note: A description for each access level is provided
B. Automatic access to matters - only account admins can do this step
If your firm or practise has a policy that all staff have access to everyone's matters, or if you would like selected staff to be given access to everyone's matter, this can be achieved through your Account Settings. It's important to note that whilst Admins for your account have access to the settings and can add or remove users, they don't get automatic access to all matters so you need to follow these steps:
1. From the main menu, click on Account > Settings
2. Scroll down to the blue heading 'Matters' and click to expand.
3. The 3rd setting shows 'Access to new matters'. Select the option from the drop-down list that best suits your firm/practise. Scroll down and 'Save'
Note: The difference between matter admin access and matter user access is that admins can invite other users (eg. external users) to access the matter.
4. There is one final option that you can consider, which is allowing all people that you have added to your account as either 'Users' or 'Admin' to be given full access to all existing matters, which means they have admin access to all matters. If you are happy with your selection in step 3, you may choose not to adjust this setting.
This matter admin access is not to be confused with Account 'Admins' whereby the latter can make changes to Account Settings as well as adding or removing staff from your account.