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We are a remote team ourselves, so our product is naturally mobile

FamilyProperty have always been a distributed remote team and have always worked from home, it is just how the product was created and built.​


  • We know your clients are trying to give you information on the run, often from their mobile phone.  Our program is designed for them to use it that way.

  • You can use our product on a laptop, mobile phone or tablet, anywhere you have access to data.

  • Our product allows you and your client, you and your barrister, you and your admin team or you and all the parties to a mediation to work together in real time. 

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Have questions?

We would love to book a free, private
demonstration with you to show how
our product will help you make your
work more client-focused.
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Made for mobile,
for you and the client

Have you seen our online intake process?  Not only have we simplified the questions, but we have created it in a way that your client can complete it on their mobile and if they are interrupted they can come back and complete the rest later.  They can also upload their financial documents from their mobile which is often how they are sourcing their documents anyway.


You can try out our client intake questionnaire for free, simply click the 'Try it out' button and interact with our Chat Bot and you will be sent the questionnaire as though you were the client.  You can see for yourself if it is actually mobile friendly.

Our spreadsheet

Our spreadsheet can actually be viewed and even amended on your mobile phone or tablet, this can be really useful for â€‹client conferences or mediation sessions.


You can also give your client viewer only access to their spreadsheet, so that they can look at it again after they have spoken to you, while they are thinking about what you have said.  

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