The fourth step for your Pre-FDR Property Session is to obtain information about considerations, being contributions and future needs.
It is easy to find contributions in FamilyProperty, just open your matter and go to considerations at the top of the dashboard.

At the top of the page you will see contributions. What you need to do is -
Review & add information about contributions including monetary (lump sum amounts), income, welfare (parenting/homemaker) and other (eg renovations) at the commencement, during and post relationship.
You can add specific items using the form, with relevant notes and chronology dates (that will also be added into a chronology report).
You can also add summary notes and overall comments (eg whether the contribution is considered to be overall higher/equal/lower).
Future needs
While you are still under the considerations tab scroll down to find future needs.

What you need to do is -
Review and add information about future needs such as whether one party’s future needs are affected by being the primary carer, age, state of health (physical or mental), difference in income/earning capacity or other reason.
You can add specific items using the form, with relevant notes and chronology dates (that will also be added into a chronology report).
You can also add summary notes and overall comments (eg whether the future needs are less, equal or greater).
Want more help?
Have you visited our Mediator help page, with a flow chart to help you find the information that you need for the stage that you are at. Click on the laptop image below to visit that page.