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This is the weekly update for our Queensland subscribers. If you would like to join our state based mailing lists you can do that here.


Queensland border to close to NSW and ACT

It has just been announced this morning that Queensland (3 Aug) will close its border to all of NSW and the ACT from 1:00am on Saturday 8 August 2020.

Queenslanders who return after travelling there will be sent to mandatory hotel quarantine for 14 days at their own expense. All visitors will be denied entry except for rare exemptions. Read more about that here.


Womens' Legal Service Queensland wins grant

WLSQ have won a grant from Legal Aid Queensland to make a training video with Micah Projects and the Health Justice Partnership Solicitor, more here.


Queensland CLCs free event

Communicating your "why" and your purpose is important, particularly if you are #diymarketing

Queensland Community Legal Centres are doing a free CLE on Wednesday 5 August around using your business reports to share your "performance story" with your stakeholders, which in your case is probably your clients and potential future clients.

You can find out more information, or register for that here. If you are looking at this after the date has passed, I have in the past contacted community legal centres after the event and asked for a copy of their webinars.


Do algorithms need legislation?

Dubbed as the "first in the world", the Algorithm Charter for Aotearoa New Zealand, according to Minister for Statistics James Shaw, will improve data transparency and accountability, especially when algorithms are being used to process and interpret large amounts of data.

"Using algorithms to analyse data and inform decisions does not come without its risks," he said. The charter has so far been signed by 21 agencies, including The Ministry of Justice.


This webinar is free and we will be covering a number of topics, including -

  1. What are the different types of superannuation funds?

  2. What information/documents should be obtained for each super fund

  3. Defined benefit superannuation - what is it & how is it valued for family law vs scheme purposes?

  4. Self managed superannuation funds

  5. How to answer the superannuation questions in the Application for Consent Orders

  6. Payment of superannuation as per a superannuation split

  7. Impact of initial superannuation on property settlements

  8. Impact of COVID & early release of superannuation

  9. Topical superannuation issues

  10. How FamilyProperty & SuperInfo can assist

You can register for the webinar here.

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