1. When you invite the client to use the questionnaire, they will receive an invitation email

2. The client clicks 'Get started' and will be prompted to complete the form below with their email address and name pre-populated. The client needs to create a password, select their state, review the T & Cs and then 'Sign up'.

3. This will open the questionnaire. Note: If you have chosen to display the preaction procedure requirements in your account settings, a pop-up will open for the client to take a look at. They click 'Reviewed - Let's start!' to proceed with the questionnaire.

4. The client starts entering the information, clicking 'next' at the bottom of each page or they can navigate using the left-hand menu and they will only see the items that were selected by you. When completing their information, only email address and the other party's name is mandatory so they are free to complete as little or as much as they can.

5. The questionnaire auto-saves to ensure no data is lost. The client can complete the questionnaire over multiple sessions. To log back into FamilyProperty, they go to app.familyproperty.com.au and click 'Login'

6. The client enters their email address and the password that they set-up. If they have forgotten their password, they can click 'Reset password?' and follow the prompts.

7. Once the client has completed as much of the questionnaire as possible, they click 'Submit' on the bottom of last page. This will submit the questionnaire and then move the client into their portal, provided you chose to leave this item ticked when sending the questionnaire. See 'Client Portal' for more information on this process.