When creating a Matter in FamilyProperty, you can invite your client to complete all or part of the Questionnaire, which will pre-fill information into the Matter for you to review.
For example, as part of the Questionnaire - in addition to the Personal Details section - you can ask for details surrounding a client's Relationship Details, Income, Assets, Expenses, Super and more.
To do this when first creating the matter:
1. Choose the type of matter as Property, Parenting or both and select 'Questionnaire'.
2. Decide whether you would like to include sections that cover their current situation.

3. Tick the box 'Yes, invite my client to access the intake questionnaire? This will expand and list all sections that can be included in the questionnaire, based on the matter type and whether the 'current situation' section has been ticked. You can tailor this for your client and untick any sections you wish to exclude. It's also possible to send the questionnaire in two parts. For example, you may wish to send only the general details sections to start with, and therefore 'untick' all other boxes. Refer here for instructions.

4. Don't forget to enter the client's email address and then click 'Save'.
Note: If you have previously created the matter and now wish to invite your client, or a party to a mediation, to complete some of all of the questionnaire, click on the ellipsis (...) icon to the right of the matter, then Set-up. Scroll down to the section 'Your Client' where you will see the option to invite your client as per step 3. For mediation matters, check that you are in the correct party's set-up tab.
5. A confirmation message will appear confirming the invitation has been sent. The invitation link is also provided in case you wish to include it in other communication with your client. You can now close this window. To learn about the client's experience, click here
Q. Can I view my client's progress? Yes, you can open the matter in your matters list and view the client's progress so far. You can also see whether the client has accessed it , by going into the matter 'Set-up' and scrolling down to 'Access Logs'