Some of our clients tell us that they don't need the dashboard because they use and love Excel spreadsheets. If that is you then you can actually download all of the client data into a fully functioning excel spreadsheet in two quick steps.

The first step is to actually go to our dashboard and go to the "Documents" menu, and then click on "Show all".

When the Menu opens up you can either have a look at the joint spreadsheet, or you can scroll down and click "Proposals Spreadsheet (inc. both parties).

That is it, voila, you have a fully functioning Excel spreadsheet that your client has populated for you using the client intake questionnaire. and you can also include the party's proposals.

If you change a value, say the value of the house from $2M to $1.8M, and change it so that Joy get's $1.3M and Jack gets $600K then the whole spreadsheet will recalculate for you.

You can also of course duplicate a sheet and have multiple different working versions for the different percentage splits.

Automated client intake
Of course, before you get to the spreadsheet you need the client's details right? Using our automated online client intake process you can get the client to do that bit too, so you get all the way to a fully functional client spreadsheet prior to even having an initial consultation with the client. Say goodbye to a long trail of emails and phone calls, try our client intake process instead. Read how quick and easy it is to send the automated client intake here.
If you want to get started with our product then please click on this link to sign up for a free trial, no credit card details required.