When family law mediators think about automation they tend to think about large 'all in one' plug and play solutions. In reality, those won't automate everything, and there are so many bite-sized automation that can be used together to create a better workflow for you and your team.

We are running an all-day event just for family mediators on 28 January 2021 for anyone who is starting a new firm in 2021, or who did start a new firm in 2020. This event is free.
You can find out more about that event, and read all of the topics here. You can also register to attend the event live, or you can register to receive a copy of the recordings. You do not have to register for both, everyone who attends live will also get the recordings.
The topics that covered automation included -
Automate for your client matters - what automation options are there, including some free automation options, and how do you get them all to 'sync' or talk to each other? This talk will be covered by Deb Vella from Support Legal
Automation for marketing - once you have found a client what can you do? Well one thing you can do is automate your responses to make sure you don't miss an opportunity, things like Gmail and Facebook have free automations that you should start using. This talk will be covered by Janis Donnelly-Coode from Janis Consults
Software for mediators - what software is there for family law mediators specifically? This talk will be covered by Tim Kirkman from FamilyProperty and LawSwitch
If you want to register for the event then you can register to attend live, or to receive the recordings by visiting this link.