Did you know that you can give a party viewer only access to their own dashboard? You can do this from the matter access screen or from your matter dashboard.
Why would you do this? It means your client/party can view the latest version of their dashboard and balance sheet without having to wait for you to download and send a report. Viewer access means they cannot make any changes or model other scenarios themselves. If you have saved multiple versions of the balance sheet, the client will only be able to see the most recent version that you were working on. To give them viewer access, firstly open the party's dashboard and then follow the steps shown below:

The Matter set-up screen will open.

Next enter the party's name, email address and select 'Viewer' as the access level.

Scroll down to 'Save'
Tip: If your client is using the portal to upload documents, wait until they have completed this process before giving them viewer access to their dashboard.

Remove access
Again, better not to need this, but if you need to remove access then just go back into users and then click on the 'Remove' button next to the person whose access you need to remove.
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